Monday, August 13, 2007

My Computer Desktop

I found this creative drawing saved on my desktop Sunday afternoon, meaning it was made Sunday morning.

Whoever made it...thanks for the friendly "Jesus Loves Me" reminder and for illustrating your creative side. It was created at 8:37am, meaning it was either Jake, Abbey, or possibly a toddler from the nursery!

I hope the "drawing," if you can call it that, inspires you!

Also, big props to all the youth who helped during the morning services yesterday through greeting, praying, reading scripture, ushering, and sharing your mission trip experiences! You all did great!

See you Wednesday at 6:30pm!!!!


Anonymous said...

That was definitely Kevin... you forgot about him being in the room, didn't you? At first, it said "Jesus Love Me", but I told Kevin it needed to be "Loves", so I guess I was part of it. However, it wasn't me. Or Jake.

Connexion Student Ministries!!! said...

Thanks for the clarification
