Thursday, August 16, 2007

What is your Influence?

Last night we had a pretty simple lesson (along with some fun games!)

We discussed how:
1. Everyone leaves an impression on everyone they come in contact with
2. You influence everyone you come in contact with, be it good or bad
And lastly...
3. What kind of influence do you leave on the dozens of people you interact with everyday?

Is your influence good or bad on others? What does it look like to others when you have an "off day"? Do others see the light of Christ in you?

In other news, you can now Subscribe via email to updates on this site. No update, no email. You only get an email whenever an update is posted! All you have to do is type in your email on the right and click subscribe!

I realize this may be more for the parents than the students...but it's there for anyone who wants it. You will get a confirmation email with a link to officially subscribe (thus preventing fake emails from slowing down this service).

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