Connexion is the name of our Ministry.
Why are you called Connexion?
Because Connexion represents the fact that our lives should not have individual categories. Instead, school, family life, sports, work, and friends should overlap and connect with Christ as our focus. Our lives should look the same to everyone we come in contact with.

Also, we want our ministry to be a place where all teens can easily attend and immediately feel connected to everyone!
Connexion exists for 5 simple reasons:
-To INVITE others to connect with Christ
-To create UNITY with every teen that enters through the doors
-To GROW in our relationship with Christ
-To SERVE each other, our peers, our church, our community, and Christ
-To LEAD our generation towards Christ by making a positive impact in our world
Our Mission is simply to invite, unite, grow, serve, and lead!
The youth are a part of the larger church and we strive to not be in isolation, but to grow together and be prepared to be a part of the entire church now as teens and in the future as adults.
Our Verse:
Romans 15:5-6
"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
The Purpose of this Blog:
-To keep students and parents up to date with Connexion's Events and News
-To post random, funny, or insightful information
-To post pictures and some lesson recaps.
-To increase the communication and unity of Connexion's members and parents
This site will be updated as often as possible. Subscribe via email on the right! You should check here for important information regarding the youth calendar and informaion on events as well as occassional lesson summaries and other things.
Also, see the Trinity Park Youth - Connexion Facebook group.
Questions????Feel free to contact me at
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