Friday, May 4, 2012

Story of God Series Update

Here's an update from the last 3 weeks of our Story of God series.

Week 7
-Jesus was performing miracles and disciples were surprised.  They were still having trouble understanding the power that Jesus possessed as the Son of God.
-Jesus continued to talk about "the kingdom of God" and that it can be a present reality as we know and follow him.  The body of Christ (all believers) are the kingdom of God!  He also explained that it's difficult to be a part of the kingdom of God and that we must be born again and die to our old way of living in order to be a part of the kingdom.
-The Parable of the Lost Son (read the story here) was a story told by Jesus to demonstrate his love for us.  He welcomes us back when we turn from our mistakes and come home.  He doesn't condemn or seek to punish us.  Rather, as we strive to live the best life possible he offers us grace and mercy. 
-Do we offer that love and forgiveness to others around us?  Have we fully accepted God's love by seeking forgiveness and returning home to God?

Week 8
-Jesus dies on the cross and is resurrected 3 days later as a sign of God's new covenant with man.  Because God is a just God there must be something to atone for our sins.  Yet, because God is a merciful God he provides that atonement/sacrifice through Jesus Christ.  If we take Christ as our Savior and follow him, then we are forgiven of our mistakes by the fact that Jesus' death has that power!
-After raising from the dead, Jesus spends 40 days on Earth teaching his disciples and providing a witness that he is alive.
-Jesus offers the Great Commission (read it here) to help all his followers understand what we are to do as followers of Christ: Go and make more disciples and help them understand the way!
-The Holy Spirit is left for believers to help accomplish this commission.  The Holy Spirit comes to dwell inside us and direct us in our lives.
-Disciples make disciples.  Multiplication is what God calls us towards.  Don't keep your light to yourself.

Week 9
-We discussed the formation of the early church.  It was marked with great selflessness and people gave freely to each other and helped those in need.  Everyone considered their possessions not to be theirs, but to be everyones.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ spread as they lived out Acts 2:42-47 (read it here).
-Over time some churches got off track as they got selfish and over indulgent.  They had petty arguments, partied, argued over who was holier, and brought divisiveness into the church.  They forgot the teachings of Jesus.  As a result, Paul had to remind them and keep them on track.  Most repented of their sinful mistakes and Paul continued to encourage, train, and instruct churches that he planted through the Mediterranean area. 
-We discussed how today we can have the same problems when Christians stop focusing on the right ways to live for God.  What petty things distract you from being more focused on spreading God's love.

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