Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Story of God - Final Week

We have finished our 10 week series on the Story of God - comprising the entire Bible into 10 weeks and seeing how all parts tie together in one BIG story was the goal!

Final Week Notes:
We looked at the story from Luke 9:57-62 to show that there is a high level of commitment to following Jesus.  People like to make excuses of things that aren't as important as following Christ like earthly possessions, comforts, inheritance, money, or relationships.

Luke 14:33 - Jesus said, “Any of you who does not give up everything they have cannot be my disciple.”  In other words, you can't let anything else be more important in your life if you're going to follow Jesus and live like he did (the definition of a disciple).

We also talked about the day when Jesus returns and we will be RESTORED and spend eternity with him in a place free of sin and corruption - but ONLY if we have rejected our sin and selfishness and let Jesus rule in our heart and lives.  What that means for us NOW is that we are Christ's ambassadors to the world (read 1 Corithians 5:18-20 here) to spread this message

10 Week Recap - God's story can be broken down in to 4 key parts
1. Creation
2. Fall
3. Redemption
4. Restoration

We also handed out this acrostic to help remember the story.  Since we covered SO much more than just what is below you should be able to add parts to each as you share your faith.  Go to to watch a 7 minute video to help with this as well and focusing on asking good questions and listening to others as you ask questions.

God created us to be with Him.
Our sins separate us from God.
Sins cannot be removed by good deeds.
Paying the price for sin Jesus died and rose again.
Everyone who trusts in Him has eternal life.
Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.

On the back of your handout you then were to put:
1. Your personal story of how God saved and continues to work in your life.  Every story is powerful.
2. Questions you could ask someone (such as "What are your spiritual beliefs, what do you think of Church/Christianity"  What are your thoughts on Jesus? Have you ever thought about Christianity as a relationship with God and not a religion"  What do you think happens when you die?  Why were we created?  Etc.Etc.
3. And anything from the 10 weeks that help fill in the gaps for the GOSPEL acrostic above.  Maybe it's talking more about Jesus' miracles and teachings (parable of lost son for example), or perhaps more details about Adam and Eve and how they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden and were separated from God or just sharing how God is both merciful and just.

Now Go Make Disciples by living out your faith and sharing God's story!!!!

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