Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Relationship Status - Week 3 Recap

Purity paves the way to intimacy.  Want to have the best marriage possible?  Save your intimacy for your spouse.  Every time you give away physical or emotional intimacy in a dating relationship you lose that intimacy you want with 1 person.  Your future spouse.

Establish guardrails to keep you safe.
1. What you look at & listen to.
2. What you talk/text about.
3. Physical guardrails in your relationship.  If you don't have them or can't discuss them out loud, then you shouldn't be in a relationship.  It's that simple.

Flee from what causes you to stumble.
People, computer, isolation, person you are dating, etc.
1 Corinthians 6:18-20 says to flee from things that cause you to stumble!
Ephesians 5:3  says to avoid even a hint of sexual immorality!

If you have guilt over past mistakes, then take them to God and seek forgiveness.  You can start a new direction for your life today!

For recaps of the other weeks, click here.

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