We are 3 weeks into our "Why Church?" series. Here's a recap so far...
There’s a movement going on among people who say they are followers of Christ and yet have given up on being part of the church. They claim they can have faith in Christ and serve him apart from the church. This has the potential to extremely limit God’s ability to work in this world. It is a major threat.
Why is it happening?
1. People say they are too busy.
2. Or that the church isn't perfect.
3. Or they think they can grow in their faith on their own.
The Problem
1. They misunderstand that church (God's movement of people) can make life better, not busier.
2. They are quitting instead of helping make the church stronger.
3. They have a false theology. The Bible doesn't teach isolation. It teaches community and support.
1. Get your priorities in order. Eliminate the fluff in your life.
2. Get involved in making the church stronger.
3. Surround yourself with people wiser than you. And then help others!
1. Overcome Satan’s work in this world. Matthew 16:18
2. Unity – Acts 20:28
3. Empowered by Christ and Holy Spirit – Ephesians 1:22, 2:18-20, 4:15
4. Numerical & Spiritual Growth of those who place their faith in Christ as Savior. Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20
We're looking at 5 purposes of the Church:
1. DISCIPLESHIP – A disciple is a follower of a mentor,
teacher. You learn to do what they do. Discipleship is helping people
be more like Christ by trusting in him and following his teachings.
Most effective discipleship (voted by you): Parent to child, Christian mentor,
small group, 1 Time Event. Sermon.
Are you helping others?
2. EVANGELISM - Sharing the
good news of Jesus Christ and that salvation is only available through
him. Most effective evangelism (voted by you): Praying
daily with others & sharing why you act out of love. Invite others to small group/church. Share your testimony of how God changed your life.
issue: Having a BURDEN for others.
Stay focused and eliminate your fear.
3. WORSHIP- Giving honor and glory to God in all that you do.
How does a Christian worship God? Through being thankful for who he is and what he has done for us. By eliminating things in our life that distract us from keeping God #1 (we call these idols). Through reading the Bible, prayer, singing, giving, fasting, and how you give your resources (money, time, actions) for God to work. The best form of worship doesn't happen in a church service. It happens through daily obedience in all that you do.
#4 and #5 coming in the next 2 weeks...
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