Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Youth Sunday Recap

Great job to all those who helped make Youth Sunday a great experience.  I continue to hear positive and encouraging feedback about the youth in general and the service (for example - "that was the best Youth Sunday I've ever seen."  If you missed it, then here's a quick rundown.

We had morning worship in the form of a talk show.  We had two great hosts.  Worship music was great.  A couple of our band kids did a great job with music as well.  We then had guests come and share on each of the five IUGSL purposes (to learn more click here).  They did a great job sharing the heart and personal stories behind why we invite, unite, grow, serve, and lead.

In the middle we had some great crowd interaction with our game "Youth Culture 101" where adults had to guess answers about current youth trends.  And, of course, our top 10 video countdown.  These added so nice diversity in the middle of the service! 

And then a challenging and inspiring message/sermon to wrap up the service.

Great job - keep striving to glorify God in all you do!  Never settle.

Top 10 Video Countdown - 10 Things You'll Never Hear a Teen Say in Church

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