Intro to “Manna From Heaven”
Joseph sold into slavery in Egypt – Joseph rises to power with dream interpretations of famine to where only Pharaoh is above him. Famine leads to many Israelites coming to Egypt for food. Beginning of Exodus (chapter 1 & 2) shares that the Israelite nation grew large while in Egypt. New king/pharaoh comes along = scared of having too many Israelites who might rise up and fight them. Orders all male Israelite children born to be thrown into the Nile. Pharaoh also finds way to start oppressing the Israelites with “heavy burdens” until they were all slaves of Egypt.
Moses grows up – even with privilege of growing up in Pharaoh’s house – he is upset over his countrymen suffering. God comes to Moses in form of burning bush and says that he has heard the cry of his people (The Israelites) and tells Moses that Moses will go to Pharaoh and that Moses will lead his people out of Egypt!
We pick up the story about 45 days after marching out of Egypt towards home.
READ Exodus 16:1-7
1. What is the general attitude of the Israelites? (Complaining that they were better off as slaves with access to food–quickly had forgotten how God had miraculously saved them)
2. God provides bread (later referred to as manna in verse 31). What were the instructions for the manna? (Gather just 1 days worth at a time unless it’s the day before the Sabbath, then grab an extra days worth).
-Why were those the instructions? Another test like Abraham had. To see if they would obey God.
3. Why does God provide just enough? Why not leftovers? As a DAILY reminder that God saved them and that he is the provider. Often we want God to provide in such a large quantity that we don’t have to depend on him again for a while. But, God doesn’t want us to come to him once in a while when we need something. He wants us to trust him as our provider daily. The goal is not what God provides, but to stay hungry to God the provider. Daily dependence keeps that spiritual hunger.
Moving on…bread isn’t enough.
Numbers 11:4-6 – people complain that they want meat to eat.
READ Numbers 11:31-34
Did the Israelites keep their end of God’s instructions? (nope)
Eventually – even with God’s provision – they continue to disobey God’s commands (much to Moses’ frustration) and God makes them wander in desert for 40 years as punishment (Numbers 14) and states that none who saw his miracles in Egypt will live to see their homeland in Canaan (Israel).
(Made it home whole lot quicker than 40 years, less death (plague after the quail), wouldn’t have lost battles/men in war)….Stayed closer to God!
4, What are things that we often aren’t content with? Something that we want to be better in our life or we want more of? (family, grades, looks, athletic ability, $, possessions, etc)
Or do you keep focusing more on what we want God to give us as opposed to focusing more on God?
6. What’s the balance between working hard and doing all you can to acquire things and being content with what you have? (Relying on God through the process, being generous, obeying when God tells you what to do with your excess time, $, resources, etc.
Maybe God doesn’t provide as much as you think you want/need because he knows it will ultimately make you more independent, selfish, and unfocused on relying on God.
-Negatives of being content? (Not always, but maybe don’t work hard enough to do more for others – complacent and lack of focus)
-Positives of being content? (aren’t selfish or object/status oriented – PEACE with what you have and that you’re following God’s directions. Freedom to focus more on connecting with God.
Do you crave more manna/meat or crave more of God?
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